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Editing and Writing Assistance


If you need assistance with your manuscript, dissertation, essay, book, blog, etc, our team of skilled writers and peer reviewers have excellent experience with reputed books publishers and international English journals such as Nature, Science, NASA Postdoctoral Program, IEEE Communications Magazine, PNAS, etc.

We provide feedback and revision suggestions regarding:
1) Originality and significance of the contribution.
2) Interest to the research community and/or practitioners.
3) Coverage of existing literature.
4) Satisfactoriness of the methodology, analysis, and comprehension.
5) Clear, concise, and jargon-free writing.
6) Organizational structure.
7) Major weaknesses.
8) Major strengths.
9) Recommendations.

N.B : We provide also a very distinctive assistance in journal selection and all kind of writings!

Contact us: Call us on: +21697275691 or email us:

Dernière modification: Mercredi 3 Mars 2021

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